Wednesday, 17 August 2016


I have been very busy working my way through edits for my agent, Lorella Belli.  Of course, I've done loads of editing before, but having such great feedback and carefully considered suggestions to get my book to be as good as it can be is a whole new experience.  It's been a challenge, not just the writing, but sticking with it for days on end when there is beautiful sunshine beckoning me outside.

It's finally paid off though and I believe the book is so much better for the hours I have put into the editing process.  Not only do I have a fully complete, freshly-overhauled young adult novel, I also have a new title - BIRD GIRL.  We played around with a few ideas but this one just felt right.  It fits perfecly with the storyline as well as having an air of mystery about it.

I am now waiting to hear back from my agent (feeling a little bit nervous about this to be honest) but am keeping my head down and finishing my latest book, CHEESE BOY.

I'm trying to read as much a possible in between writing and finish There Is No Dog by Meg Rosoff yesterday.  A brilliantly clever story that had me giggling a lot.  Definitely worth a read.


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